there is light at the end of the tunnel. and it's coming from a train. it just hit me: i am my religion.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

okay, okay..

just when i start bashing the milf creeps, people who share their principles smother me with kindness. there is this one guy who, after a friend spit an anecdote about me loving the wild wild web, asked if i knew how to hack the system. the bragger that i am, told him a friend taught me when i was still in college. he said he wanted to learn how to open mails so he could begin sowing seeds of revenge. fuck. honestly, i don't remember a damn thing about that hacking lecture this techie guy taught me a million years ago. he told me to ask this techie guy again.

okay, okay..

for one, i never liked the idea of revenge and making ganti. its a real turn-off. two, i don't like this guy's principles. i can't trust him. he might use this against me and/or the people who hate his people. and yeah, this techie guy forgot how he did it eight years ago. another fuck. and yeah, fuck number three, i don't think he was actually successful at hacking back then.

now what to tell this milf follower...

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